Once you've made the investment in a new canopy, you want to make sure it lasts.

When was the last time you removed debris from the top of your gas station canopy? When was the last time you checked to ensure all the columns were draining properly?

Gas station canopies are valuable and can last 20+ years if you maintain them properly. The reality is very few owners think to do so until there is a significant weather event or the need for repairs becomes obvious, such as falling materials, significant rusting, or leaking. As the canopy ages, the need for proper maintenance and potentially costly repairs increases.

To ensure years of lasting service and proper operation from your canopy, follow these tips:

  1. Assess your canopy from the ground.

    a. Inspect around the upright columns. Are there any signs of cracking in the concrete? This could be a sign of deteriorating foundations/grout if there is any movement in your canopy. You may want to have an inspection performed.

    b. Is there rust around the top or base of the columns? Over time, this can weaken your structure. The bottom of columns is a problem area, especially in harsh weather climates that use salt. Wire brush, prep, and repaint as needed to minimize this deterioration.

    c. Does the canopy ceiling/deck appear in good condition? Are there any leaks around the gutters or columns? Sheet metal components require re-caulking at times and, when caught early, can prevent additional corrosion. Consider power washing the deck/fascia annually to remove salt/contaminants to help the components last longer.
  2. Inspect the top of your canopy. You may be surprised at what the wind can blow onto the top of the decking and into the gutter systems.

    a. Check the gutters, which are typically around the perimeter. On older canopies, gutters can run down the center and then back to the columns. Plastic bags are one of the worst culprits of gutter blockage. With a bit of debris, they can back up a column drain and stop the canopy from draining properly. Remove any debris you find in the gutters. You can also do a simple water test to ensure water exits all columns.

    b. Check the level on the canopy. Does the canopy appear level or is there water pooling in one corner? Over time, this can cause a build-up of ice and damage the canopy.

    c. Inspect the structural bolts. Do they appear in good condition, and are they still secure?

    d. Check vertical fascia bracing/outriggers. Ensure that fasteners are in place and fascia is secured properly.

    e. Caulk. If you are seeing leaks below, typically, the caulk needs to be replaced in areas on top of the canopy.

Depending on your inspection, you may not have a punch list of items that need to be maintained at the moment. Still, there are typically some items that will need to be maintained annually.

If you have any concerns other than cleaning or debris removal, consider having an inspection completed to get a report of the canopy condition to help you assess your options moving forward. Contact your local third-party engineering or inspection firm or call us for assistance.

Your investment in maintenance is low compared to the costs of major repairs or replacements.

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