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  • Aluminum or Steel construction
  • Built in gutter system
  • Size can be customized to meet your needs
  • Modular design for efficient shipping and easy installaltion
  • Several color choices for Standing Seam Hip Roof


  • Sports and Events


  • Aluminum or Steel construction
  • Built in gutter system
  • Size can be customized to meet your needs
  • Modular design for efficient shipping and easy installaltion
  • Several color choices for Standing Seam Hip Roof


  • Sports and Events
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Made In The USA

Press boxes come in many shapes, sizes and styles to meet your needs. We want to hear your requests on customization on all your products.

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    ** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete items below not required for project.
    1. Prefabricated Pressbox.

    ** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Edit as required to suit project requirements. Standard loads are specified below, consult with manufacturer for requirements that exceed those specified as follows.
    1. Provide factory built, prefabricated press box capable of withstanding the effects of gravity loads and the following loads and stresses within limits and under conditions indicated.
    2. Design Loads: Determine loads based on the following minimum design wind loads and snow loads: ** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Select one of the following two paragraphs and delete the one not required.
      1. Wind Load: Meet the wind load requirement for site where press box will reside. If not specified our standard will be 90 mph wind.
      2. Snow Load: Meet the snow load requirement for the site where the press box will reside. If not specified our standard will be 30 psi.
      3. Live Load: When press box has a camera deck, meet the minimum live load applicable where press box will reside. ** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Select one of the following two paragraphs and delete the one not required.
      4. Energy Code: Provide factory built, prefabricated press box that meets the energy code requirements for the state that the press box will reside in.
    3. Seismic Performance: Provide factory built, prefabricated press box capable of withstanding the effects of earthquake motions for the site where the press box will reside in determined according to:
      1. ASCE 7, "Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures": Section 9, "Earthquake Loads".
    4. Thermal Movements: Provide factory built, prefabricated press box that allows for thermal movements resulting from the following maximum change (range) in ambient and surface temperatures by preventing buckling, opening of joints, overstressing of components, failure of joint sealants, failure of connections, and other detrimental effects. Engineering calculations are based on surface temperatures of materials due to both solar heat gain and nighttime-sky heat loss.
      1. Temperature Change (Range): 120 deg F (67 deg C), ambient; 180 deg F (100 deg C), material surfaces.
    5. Electrical Devices: Devices UL listed with wiring bearing UL classification and conforming to the current NEC.

      1. Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in manufacturing prefabricated press boxes with a minimum documented experience of ten years.
      2. Design: All prefabricated press boxes are to be built by a company regularly
        employing a quality assurance program by an independent third party quality control firm. The manufacturing process will include a 5-stage, 35-step, quality inspection for each system.
      3. Preinstallation Meetings: Conduct meetings to verify project requirements,
        substrate conditions, utility connections, manufacturer's installation instructions, and warranty requirements. Compliance with Division 1 requirements are responsibility of the contractor.
  • 1.4 WARRANTY

    1. Provide the manufacturer's 5 year limited warranty on anodized aluminum surfaces against oxidation and the manufacturer's 20 year limited warranty against peeling, flaking and chipping of deck and fascia when properly maintained.
    2. Provide manufacturer's warrantees on all accessory items provided such as, but not limited to, air conditioning, lights, and heating units.



    1. Acceptable Manufacturer: Austin Mohawk and Company, Inc., 2175 Beechgrove Place, Utica, New York 13501. Tel: (315) 793-3000. Fax: (315) 793- 9370. E-mail: info@austinmohawk.com, Website: www.austinmohawk.com. ** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete one of the following two paragraphs; coordinate with requirements of Division 1 section on product options and substitutions.
    2. Substitutions: Not permitted.
    3. Requests for substitutions will be considered in accordance with provisions of Section 01600.

    1. Prefabricated aluminum press box with snap-together extruded 6036-T6 low- maintenance, corrosion-resistant aluminum alloy framing system. All connections internally fastened with no exposed fasteners on building exterior.
      1. Press Box Style:
        1. Varsity - All standard offerings with optional Camera Deck and available accessories
        2. Division I - (10' wide minimum) Two Tier Interior Seating Levels and available accessories
        3. Professional - (10' wide minimum) Anti-Glare Glazing, Two Tier Interior Seating Levels, Camera Deck and available accessories
        4. Double Decker - Available in all styles, (Two Tier Seating 10' wide minimum)
        5. Press box Over Concession Stand - Available in all styles, (Two Tier Seating 10' wide minimum)
      2. Camera Deck:
        1. Camera Deck - (standard) Full length, roof top access by hatch and internal ladder. Supplied with standard 1-5/8" fence post couplings with set screws on camera deck platform. PERIMETER FENCE BY OTHERS. (VERTICALS, HORIZONTALS, CONNECTION HARDWARE AND CHAIN LINK)
        2. Camera deck - 8' x 12' with roof hatch, internal ladder, and requisite 42" high perimeter railings with cyclone fence to meet 4" sphere criteria.
        3. Camera deck - full length and width with roof hatch, internal ladder, and requisite 42" high perimeter railings with cyclone fence to meet 4" sphere criteria.
        4. WP GFI Receptacle(s) at camera deck level. ** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Select the door types required from the following paragraphs and delete those not required.
      3. Doors:
        1. Sliding door(s) (standard).
          1. Horizontal sliding door with 1/8 inch (3.18 mm) thick, clear tempered safety glass.
          2. Full weather-stripping.
          3. Deadlock: Mortised, laminated hook bolt type; with removable cylinder capable of being master keyed.
          4. Aluminum threshold
        2. Swinging door(s) 1-3/4 inches (44 mm) thick, tubular-frame design.
          1. 36 inch by 80 inch half glass Commercial Grade aluminum swing door.
          2. 36 inch by 80 inch all glass Commercial Grade aluminum swing door.
          3. 36 inch by 80 inch half glass Commercial Grade steel swing door
          4. Mortised, laminated bolt type; with push / pull hardware and removable cylinder capable of being master keyed.
          5. Commercial grade steel type, single bore lever handle lockset with keyed entry and thumb turn interior.
          6. Classroom Lockset with Panic Hardware.
          7. Butt hinges.
          8. Hydraulic Closer.
          9. Full weather-stripping.
          10. Aluminum Threshold
      4. Windows:
      5. Optional Custom Windows:
      6. Roof Type:
      7. Entry Platform with Railings: (Requires Site Assembly)
      8. Press Box Support Structure: (Requires Site Assembly)
    2. Size:
      1. 7 feet x 12 feet
      2. 7 feet x 16 feet
      3. 7 feet x 18 feet
      4. 7 feet x 24 feet
      5. 7 feet x 30 feet
      6. 8 feet x 12 feet
      7. 8 feet x 16 feet
      8. 8 feet x 18 feet
      9. 8 feet x 20 feet
      10. 8 feet x 24 feet
      11. 8 feet x 30 feet
      12. 8 feet x 36 feet
      13. 8 feet x 42 feet
      14. 8 feet x 48 feet
      15. 10 feet x 12 feet
      16. 10 feet x 16 feet
      17. 10 feet x 18 feet
      18. 10 feet x 24 feet
      19. 10 feet x 30 feet
      20. 10 feet x 36 feet
      21. 10 feet x 42 feet
      22. 10 feet x 48 feet
      23. 10 feet x 60 feet
      24. As indicated on drawings
    3. Height: Nominal outside height of 100 inches (2540 mm). Interior floor to ceiling height 90 inches (2286 mm) (standard).
    4. Frame Construction: Provide snap together type structural framing of 6063-T6 aluminum alloy extrusions. Connections shall be fastened internally to framing systems using concealed mechanical fasteners or MIG welded where necessary. Exposed fasteners on building exterior are not acceptable. Members shall have a manufacturer's finish as follows: ** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Select the finish required from the following paragraphs and delete those not required. Custom colors are available at additional cost.
      1. Clear Anodized finish. (standard)
      2. Austin White. (standard)
      3. Quaker Bronze. (standard)
      4. Custom color as selected by the Architect. (available at additional
    5. Base/Floor: Finished floor of 3/16" nonskid aluminum tread plate. Floor is mounted to a 4 inch minimum (102 mm) tube/channel steel base frame (standard).
      1. 3/16" nonskid aluminum tread plate (standard)
      2. 3/16" nonskid aluminum tread plate with expanded polystyrene insulation and 24ga galvanized steel underside.
      3. 1/8" nonskid aluminum tread plate with sub-floor, expanded polystyrene insulation and 24ga galvanized steel underside.
      4. 12" x 12" commercial grade vinyl tile, sub-floor, expanded polystyrene insulation and 24ga galvanized steel underside.
      5. 18-1/8" x 18-1/8" raised disc rubber tile w/ 4" cove base molding, sub- floor, expanded polystyrene insulation and 24ga galvanized steel underside.
      6. 24" x 24" Mohawk Modular Commercial 1/2" carpet tile with 4" cove base molding, sub-floor, expanded polystyrene insulation and 24ga galvanized steel underside.
    6. Wall Panel: Overall thickness of panel shall be 3 inches (76.2 mm) with an exterior face of manufacturers standard .032 aluminum, a 3 inch (76.2 mm) insulation core and a .032 interior aluminum face (standard R-12).
      1. Finish: Interior and exterior panel faces shall have a manufacturer's finish as follows: ** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Select the finish required from the following paragraphs and delete those not required. Custom colors are available at additional cost.
        1. Clear Anodized finish.
        2. Austin White.
        3. Quaker Bronze.
        4. Custom color as selected by the Architect.
        5. 5/8" Vinyl coated Gypsum board, color as selected by the architect. (option for interior only)
    7. Interior Ceiling Panels:** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Select the ceiling type required from the following paragraphs and delete those not required. Delete if not required.
      1. Prefinished steel, 24 gauge painted white with expanded polystyrene core providing a smooth flat interior. (standard R-5)
      2. 24" x 48" Acoustical Ceiling Tile with typical drop ceiling grid with
        expanded polystyrene insulation.
      3. 24" x 48" Acoustical Ceiling Tile with typical drop ceiling grid with rolled
        batt fiberglass insulation.
      4. 24" x 24" Acoustical Ceiling Tile with typical drop ceiling grid with
        expanded polystyrene insulation.
      5. 24" x 24" Acoustical Ceiling Tile with typical drop ceiling grid with rolled
        batt fiberglass insulation.
    8. Press Box Roof:
      1. Flat Roof: Galvanized steel, G-60 zinc coating, interlocking pan sections,
        3 inches (76.2mm) high varying widths and capable of supporting a minimum of 40 psf (1532 Pa) live load. Roof drains into full (4) side perimeter gutter system with downspouts (standard)
      2. Standing Seam Metal Hip Roof: Roof framing will be constructed of 14GA Galvanized Steel Trusses. Exterior will be interlocking Steel deckpans with standing seam. Roof will be painted one of manufacturers standard colors.
      3. Standing Seam Metal Mansard Roof: Roof framing will be constructed of 18ga Galvanized Steel Braces. Exterior will be interlocking Steel deckpans standing seam. Roof will be painted one of manufacturers standard colors.

    ** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Select the accessories required from the following paragraphs and delete the items not required.
    1. Electrical Power Service: Provide in accordance with NEC Standards.
      1. Press box shall be of open construction, allowing the inspection of
        electrical wiring, switches and other components without destructive
        disassembly. (standard)
      2. 125 amp, 120/240 VAC, single-phase, 3-wire service with 8-16 circuit
        breaker panel (standard).
      3. Use copper wiring in surface mounted 1/2-inch (12.5 mm) minimum EMT
        conduit (standard).
      4. Provide one 120-V GFCI power duplex receptacle every 8' with tester
      5. Wiremold (Optional) Series, one and two piece, multi channel non-
        metallic surface mounted raceway along front wall, above or below scorer's table, outlets on 4' centers, typical.
    2. Indoor Lighting Fixtures:
      1. Provide quantity of fixtures required to maintain the following
        illumination level: ** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Select the lighting levels required from following paragraphs and delete those not required.
        1. 20 foot-candles.
        2. 30 foot-candles.
        3. 50 foot-candles (standard).
        ** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Select the light fixture(s) required from following paragraphs and delete those not required.
      2. Ceiling-mounted fluorescent light fixture(s) 48 inches (1200 mm) long with two 32-W / T-8 lamps (standard).
      3. Hi Abuse Fixture, Linear Fluorescent 40 Watts, Lamp Quantity 2, 120 V. Length 49.38 inches, width 9.25 inches, depth 3.38 inches, white, cold eather.
      4. Provide single-pole switch mounted adjacent to door to control lighting fixtures (standard).
      5. Drop ceiling Troffer fixtures.
        1. 24" x 24" - 32-W / T-8 lamps.
        2. 24" x 48" - 32 W / T-8 lamps.
      6. Exit Signs:
        1. Exit signs shall be clearly marked. In the event of electrical power outage during use or occupancy in the press box, the exit signs will illuminate.
    3. Outdoor Lighting Fixtures:
      1. PProvide quantity of fixtures required to maintain the following illumination level:
        1. 20 foot-candles.
        2. 30 foot-candles.
        3. 50 foot-candles.
      2. Hi Abuse Fixture, Linear Fluorescent 40 Watts, Lamp Quantity 2, 120 V. Length 49.38 inches, width 9.25 inches, depth 3.38 inches, white, cold weather.
      3. Flood light, QTZ, 500W 120V, White. ** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Select the switch required from following paragraphs and delete those not required.
      4. Flood light, QTZ, 500W 120V, Bronze.
      5. Provide single-pole switch mounted adjacent to door to control lighting fixtures.
      6. Provide photoelectric controller.
      ** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Select the heating unit required from following paragraphs and delete those not required.
    4. Heating Unit: Wall-mounted, thermostatically controlled:
      1. 110V, 1500W, 5120 Btu, electric heater with fan-forced operation,
        Enclose heater in enameled steel cabinet (standard).
      2. 230/208V, 13,000/10,000 Btu, electric fan force, surface mounted electric
      ** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Select the air conditioning/ventilating equipment required from following paragraphs and delete those not required.
    5. Thru-wall Air Conditioning:
      1. 9,900 Btu, 110V.
      2. 9,900 Btu, high mount, 110V.
    6. Thru-wall Heating/Air Conditioning:
      1. 11,600/11,400 btu with electric heat 230/208V.
    7. Roof mount Air Conditioning:
      1. 13,500 Btu, 110V with wall mount thermostat.
    8. Roof mount Heating/Air Conditioning:
      1. 13,500 Btu with 5,600 btu electric heat, 110V with wall mount thermostat.
    9. Wall Exhaust Fan:
      1. Duct diameter 10-3/8 Inches.
      2. Motor 120 V, 1625 RPM, 1.7 amps, with air flow @ 0.000 inch static
        pressure 480 CFM.
    10. Scorer's Table:
      1. Full length, 18" - 24" deep by 3/4" White "Melamine" counter top with drop wire grommets at receptacle locations (standard).
      2. Full length, 18" - 24" deep by 16ga Stainless Steel counter top with drop wire grommets at receptacle locations.
    11. Storage Drawers:
      1. Locking storage drawer, workbench mounted, 6-5/8 inches high, 20
        inches deep, 17-1/4 inches wide.
    12. Partition Walls with Interior Doors:
      1. Partition wall with access door to separate the unit into two or more segmented rooms:
        1. Home and Away.
        2. Home, Away and Announcer.
        3. Home, Away, Announcer and Press.
        4. As indicated on drawings
    13. Restrooms: ** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Select the restroom package required from following paragraphs and delete those not required.
      1. ADA restroom package provided with following items wired and installed:
        1. Lighting with wall switch.
        2. Thru wall exhaust fan.
        3. Heater: Wall mounted electric with fan forced operation, 1500w/5120 BTU, thermostat in enamel coated 20 ga steel cabinet. ** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Note that fixtures are supplied only for installation in the field.
        4. Supplied Restroom Fixtures:
          1. ADA elongated toilet
          2. ADA wall mounted lavatory
          3. One 36 inch grab bar
          4. One 42 inch grab bar
          5. One Toilet tissue holder
        5. Fixtures supplied loose to be installed on site by others. (standard)
        6. Fixtures supplied factory installed with plumbing service hook-ups by others in the field.
      2. Standard restroom package (non-ADA) provided with following items wired and installed.
        1. Lighting with wall switch
        2. One thru wall exhaust fan
        3. One Heater: shall be wall mounted electric with fan forced operation, 1500w/5120 BTU thermostat in an enamel coated 20 ga steel cabinet.
        ** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Note that fixtures are supplied only for installation in the field.
      3. Supplied Restroom Fixtures:
        1. ADA elongated toilet
        2. ADA wall mounted lavatory
        3. One Toilet tissue holder
    14. Wet Bar / Kitchenette
      1. Counter top, bar sink and base cabinet
        1. Over counter wall cabinets
      2. Counter top, bar sink, base cabinet with under counter refrigerator
        1. Over counter wall cabinets
        2. Plumbing fixtures supplied loose to be installed on site by others. (standard)
        3. Plumbing fixtures supplied factory installed with plumbing service hook-ups by others in the field.

    1. Fabricate factory built, prefabricated Press Box completely in factory.
    2. Preglaze windows and doors at factory.
    3. Prewire factory built, prefabricated structures and shelters at factory, ready for connection to service at Project site.
    4. Separate dissimilar materials using nonconductive tape, paint, or other material not visible in finished work.
    5. Fabricate factory built, prefabricated structures for crane unloading under base or welded in place concealed lifting lugs at roof that are suitable for placement of the structure on prepared foundations.
    Footnote: "Specification Subject to Change without Notice"
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